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  • Esperanza Dance Project

Staying Connected in Times of Uncertainty

The current state of being has shifted for everyone, as we all well know. In a time like this, it can be hard to know where to invest one's time, feel productive and useful, emotional availability can be low. Esperanza Dance Project wants you to know that we are here for you, we validate your experiences, feelings and thoughts.

All we can do now is stay home, try to do our best to minimize the escalation of this current pandemic, and raise each other up as best we can from far and wide, through digital connection, through shared thoughts and community, through holding to hope that we will get through this.

It has been beautiful to see the connectivity and care the Tucson community has charged the atmosphere with, through hope and encouragement. We would like to share the following resources, pages, and inspiration we have found with you in this uncertain time. Know that you aren't alone. By supporting each other and taking each day as it comes, we can feel what we need to feel to get through this. We can hold on to those we love most and be present in our daily lives. Sending hugs and hope to you and yours.

A List of Good Things to Explore

We know this is a time to stay up to date on all the events and information available for this worldwide crisis. In no way do we want to play down the severity of the situation, but we are hopeful that staying positive can help in our personal practice of self care. Please consider the following ideas as resources for taking care of one's self. By no means is this a complete list. Consider this a jumping off point for exploring inspiration in these heavy times.

Staying Safe

Staying home can mean a different thing entirely to someone experiencing domestic violence. It is possible the number of people who need help will grow at this time. The National Domestic Violence Hotline has recommendations. Please read them here:

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline by calling 1-800-799-7233. If you're unable to speak safely, you can log ontothehotline.orgor text LOVEIS to 22522.

Phoebe's Movement Calendar

Yoga, Intensati, Restorative and Flow with Tucson local Phoebe Jenkins. Phoebe has been live streaming daily classes on Facebook. Classes are free and absolutely wonderful.

Tucson Updates

Check out this page for a collection of local actions and resources as we continue on our social distancing endeavor. Dailly updates.

17 Activities to Make you Feel Good at Home

This is a great list of things to keep you going, in a reasonable, baby steps kind of way. Everything included is in the form of social distancing. Inspiring, but not overwhelming.

Stay Home, Take Care

Presented by Girls Night In, this site includes activities, recommendations, and ideas to help you stay in and take care of yourself and others. Updated daily.

The Good Trade Email: The Daily Good

This inspiring email is a simple way to feel better. A 30 second read delivered to your inbox each morning with sustainable recipes, podcasts, artists, articles, and more. This is a great staple for your inbox routine.

Please take care of yourself in whatever way makes sense for you. Maybe that means turning the screen off. Handwriting a letter to a loved one. Standing in the sunshine for a few minutes. However you can, we hope you find some peace.

With love, healthy and patience,

Esperanza Dance Project <3

Feel like reaching out? Send us an email here.

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