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Your donation matters. A financial contribution to Esperanza Dance Project allows us to help others find support and healing from childhood sexual trauma, empower young adults as peer advocates, and present multimedia performances to youth and the Arizona community at large.


Esperanza Dance Project Employer Identification Number (EIN)  82-2280520.
Contributions like yours will help pay for the printing of our educational curriculum, sponsor dancers' stipends, and cover the costs of rehearsal space. Donations of any amount are welcome. For insight on how exactly your donation is put to work, we have listed several options below!

If you prefer, you can write a check to

Esperanza Dance Project

4500 N. Oracle Rd. Suite 110

Tucson, AZ 85705

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All contributions are greatly appreciated. Here is a segmented look at what your donation means for our programming costs. 




Sponsor a dancer for a full season. This includes a dancer stipend for rehearsal and performance time.



Sponsor a dancer for half a season. This includes a dancer stipend for rehearsal and performance time.


​Sponsor curriculum printing costs for 3 school performances. EDP's educational curriculum was created in collaboration with local artists, educators, school counselors, and professionals in the behavioral health field. It includes prompts that initiate a discussion about the impact of sexual trauma along with local and national resources. Curriculum packets are provided for free with each performance.



Sponsor the entire venue rental for one high school performance at Catalyst, the creative collective that EDP operates out of

Sponsor a dancer for one performance. This covers a dancer stipend for rehearsal and performance time!


Sponsor the lighting & tech for one high school EDP performance



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  • Sign up for our newsletter!
  • Have any unused gift cards? Consider donating them!
  • Foster connections. Do you have a friend that might be interested in the organization?
  • Encourage people in your life to learn about EDP and ask them to donate on your behalf.
  • Set up a birthday fundraiser on social media with funds earmarked for Esperanza Dance Project
  • Ask family, friends, or others to donate to the silent auction at our Annual Fundraising Gala
  • Do you know a school, conference, event or group that would benefit from learning about sexual violence through our performance? Connect EDP to your contact to set up a performance.
  • Volunteer a few times a year at one of our events. 
  • Join our Board of Directors! Send us an email for more information.
  • Learn more about the organization's mission and goals. This is a great place to educate yourself and become a resource for others who want to learn more but don’t know where to start.
  • Continue coming to performances and spread the word!
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