Hello and welcome back to the Esperanza Dance Project’s blog! We are moving right along in our 2019/2020 season! We’ve got a special event coming up, and some articles we think you might like taking a look at. All the details are here :)
Website Launch Party Update
We would like to send a huge THANK YOU! to everyone who came to our Website Launch Party!
On Friday, October 4th, Esperanza Dance Project hosted a free event, open to the public, to celebrate the launch of our new website. It was a great turnout, and an amazing night to meet, mingle, and get a live tour of the website. The event took place at Studio Space Tucson, a beautiful warehouse event space with room for performing, projecting the website, and refreshments. Thank you to everyone who came out to support, and thank you to Studio Space Tucson!
The company members are hard at work in rehearsal preparing for the first full performance of the season at the Department of Child Safety Leadership Summit on October 22nd in Phoenix. *This is a closed event.
Meanwhile, there is an upcoming event October 18th we would love to share with you.
Your support would be much appreciated, and it is sure to be a fun, lively and upbeat night!
Stand Up for Humanity Fundraiser
EDP is so grateful to be a part of this local comedy show, with proceeds benefitting the Esperanza Dance Project and the Forgotten Children Foundation.
Please join us in the beautiful Proscenium Theatre on Pima Community West Campus Grounds on Friday, October 18th at 7 PM.
The stand-up comedy show will feature local comedians with the nationally prominent headlining comic Bobby Slayton!
This 18+ comedy event will feature local food trucks, a car show, an awesome raffle featuring prizes like autographed memorabilia, and gift cards! There will also be an opportunity to bring canned goods and food donations for the Tucson Community Food Bank- and receive a raffle ticket for each can brought!
Visit the website at tucsonfatsproducti.wixsite.com/stand-upforhumanit-1 for more details.
Food Trucks: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Doors Open: 6:30 pm
Showtime: 7:00 pm
General Admission Tickets: $24.00
Community West Campus Grounds on Friday, October 18th at 7 PM.
VIP Tickets: $35.00 (VIP includes a guaranteed seat in row one or row two, a "swag bag" with show merchandise, 5 raffle tickets, and a backstage meet & greet with all the performers after the show)
Esperanza will also be performing a special short piece guaranteed to get you grooving from the seats! One time only!
Want to keep up to date on all Esperanza performances and whereabouts? Then subscribe to our monthly newsletter delivered right to your inbox!
This is a fairy new addition to the content Esperanza is creating, and we look forward to growing a community of like minded people interested in bettering their community, sharing resources and events around Tucson. The newsletter will be chalked full of great articles, moving images and key information to help you better understand our message of spreading hope and awareness about sexual violence and how it affects our community, both locally and nationally.
We were so happy to read about Congolese gynecologist Denis Mukwege, a Nobel peace prize laureate, on announcing the creation of a global fund for victims of sexual abuse.
The doctor and his foundation will continue the "fight to seek justice throughout the world for the victims”. We are hopeful the example he is setting will further awareness and continue conversations on the importance of addressing this issue.
Read for yourself the article on BBC:
Here’s what NPR has to say about it. (https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/12/18/677485191/nobel-winner-wants-to-start-fund-for-women-sexually-assaulted-in-conflict)
Another helpful resource, this article provides coping skills for survivors navigating sexual violence in the news. Though we are happy to see movements like the #metoo stir national conversations, we also realizes that for survivors topics like these can cause difficult emotions and memories. Read about ways to cope with stories that might catch you off guard. (https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-violence-coping)
And RAINN has some resources too (https://www.rainn.org/statistics/campus-sexual-violence)
As always, the Esperanza Dance Project wants to be supportive, and let survivors of sexual violence know that we believe them. We are grateful for the ability to communicate our mission and we are also grateful for you. Thank you for helping us make a difference in eliminating the stigma associated with sexual violence.
If you or a loved one need any help, please consider checking out our RESOURCES page for local and national help.
Did you get anything out of this blog? What do you think of the new website? Feel free to comment, share this and talk about it with your friends and co-workers. Post it, tweet it, whatever-social-platform-you-favor, it. We’d appreciate it if you could share this with a friend or two. We would love to hear from you and what you think of our sparkly new website! Contact us here.
Thank you and until next time, enjoy the spooky season!